VietNamNet Bridge – Ha Noi will set up an inter-sector team to inspect the business operations and the safety of boats and floating houses on West Lake by next month, Vu Van Vien, the city’s Transport Department director said.



Boats and floating houses on the West Lake will be moved to a new area. The quality of the boats and floating houses will be scrutinised next month during a thorough inspection on waterway safety. – Photo: VNN


Accordingly, unqualified companies will be banned from operating on the lake while the eligible ones will be moved to another place.

West Lake in Ha Noi’s Tay Ho District is well-known for its breathtaking view and also for the various floating houses and boats on which cafés and restaurants are located. Locals and foreign tourists have fun enjoying the food and drinks on board or taking tour boats around the lake.

However, Vien said the boats and floating houses on the lake have been repaired and increased in size without being supervised by the authorised agencies. Also, the facilities did not meet requirements regarding waterway, fire and labour safety and environment protection.

Tay Ho District authorities have not allowed any tourism, sports and cultural activities on the lake.

The suspension of their businesses cannot be delayed anymore, he said.

Two weeks ago, local authorities cracked down on operation of floating houses, both legally and illegally, on West Lake, and asked them to move to a planned new business area in Dam Bay in Nhat Tan Ward of Tay Ho District.

The new area is equipped with clean water pipes, electricity and parking area, creating ideal conditions for companies to conduct business.

However, companies complained that the construction of the new area is yet to be completed and they have had to cancel a lot of tours, causing huge losses for their business. Many businesses have stayed on at the old place.

According to the Ha Noi People’s Committee, 13 businesses are operating on the lake with waterway vehicles, various tour boats, duck boats and canoes, as well as floating houses and floating objects, such as leading bridges.

Ha Noi’s Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism has been planning to develop the West Lake into a special cultural and tourism spot.

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