VietNamNet Bridge – Scientists have agreed to preserve the body of the Hoan Kiem turtle in the long run but they have not fixed the measure of preservation.


According to Dr. Ha Dinh Duc, who studied and kept an eye on the legendary turtle for decades, Hanoi met with scientists to discuss measures to deal with the body of the Hoan Kiem turtle. At this meeting, the city authorities and scientists reached agreement on long-term preservation of the turtle's body.

The scientists have proposed three options: wet maintenance (the body would be soaked in chemicals), dry maintenance or animal specimen.

Dr. Le Xuan Canh, former Director of the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, said the preservation of turtle bodies is common in the world, which is not complex in terms of technique. The two common methods of preservation are wet and dry maintenance.

Wet preservation is soaking the specimen in a tank of alcohol. The advantage of this method is that the specimen is preserved in an intact state and it will lie in a pool that is close to natural conditions.

Moreover, the preservation cost is low and technical requirements are not complicated. The specimen will be preserved in the long term to serve other studies such as genetic analysis and conservation.

Dr. Vu Ngoc Thanh, who is experienced at preserving turtle specimens, said that if the wet preservation is chosen, scientists will injectalcohol into the organs with muscles of the turtle, then shape the animal and soak it in alcohol. Alcohol must be changed regularly.

The dry preservation requires more complicated techniques, said Dr. Le Xuan Canh, former Director of the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources.

If the turtle is turned into an animal specimen, according to Dr. Vu Ngoc Thanh, scientists will take internal organs out and inject anti-decomposition chemical into the organs with muscles. The next step is drying and applying anti-mould chemical to the specimen.

Dr. Ha Dinh Duc said scientists were still discussing the most appropriate method. The wet preservation was not favored. The scientists will make a final decision at the upcoming meeting.

The Hoan Kiem turtle died on January 19. It was handed over to the Vietnam Museum of Nature for preservation.


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