Some 20 tonnes of old books will be available at the Hanoi May Old Book Fair at the Viet Nam Exhibition Centre for Culture and Arts.


The May Old Book Fair will host various rare titles on President Ho Chi Minh dedicating his birthday anniversary.

Books will cover various topics, including literature, history, culture, business, military, law, science and medicine. 

Many of them have high values for book collectors.

From May 17-20, a separate book fair focusing on Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh will be held at the site of the Old Book Fair. 

Books will showcase the life, revolutionary cause and thoughts of the great leader dedicating his 128th birthday anniversary (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2018). 

Many of the books were published in 1950s.

The Viet Nam Exhibition Centre for Culture and Arts is located at No 2, Hoa Lu Street, in Hai Ba Trung District. — VNS