Acrobatic brothers Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co left British television audiences speechless on April 21 night after performing their death-defying head balancing act on a UK TV talent show.


Marching towards the judges the two brothers send the crown wild. (Screenshot photo)


The pair, from Ho Chi Minh City, were given a standing ovation by the crowd and the four Britain’s Got Talent judges on the live show.

Judge Simon Cowell said he would remember their audition for "the rest of his life".

"This for me was like watching the Olympics, not a talent show, the Olympics. Hard work and talent pays off, that’s what it’s all about," he said.

Although new to the UK, the brothers are well known in Vietnam after breaking the world record for 'most consecutive stairs climbed while balancing a person on the head' in Girona, Spain, in 2016.

Before their act the Giang brothers told the TV audience although there was a Vietnam’s Got Talent show, they wanted to appear on the UK version because "It’s the biggest show in the world." And they didn’t disappoint the audience.

Audience members were left stunned as the pair climbed down a set of stair, then back up... walking backwards!

After a standing ovation the judges heaped praise on the pair, voting them through to the next round of the popular talent show

Judge Alesha Dixon said: "Amazing. This is the show that keeps on giving. It’s just getting better and better. That was one of the most exciting auditions I’ve ever watched. Thank you Vietnam.” 

Amanda Holden added: "It was utterly incredible and my heart was in my mouth for all of it. I don’t know where you find the strength from."

David Walliams said: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I’m sure I’m speaking for the audience too, for coming all this way and sharing your incredible talent with us today."

In 2016, the two artists scaled 90 stairs of Saint Mary’s Cathedral in 52 seconds with Quoc Nghiep balancing atop Quoc Co using only their heads.

“They make the impressive challenge look almost effortless,” said the Guinness World Records.

"We have been rehearsing this skill for 15 years," World Records quoted Nghiep as saying. "I have sometimes thought that I could not continue any longer, but we continue to go forward and overcome fear and danger," he added. "I want to prove to everyone in the world that human possibilities are endless."

Britain’s Got Talent is a live show in the UK watched by around 10 million people.-VNA