The business community has put forward recommendations for the more effective implementation of the Government’s Resolution No.35/NQ-CP on supporting and developing enterprises through 2020 at a conference with the Prime Minister in Hanoi on May 17.


At the conference

A quick survey in late 2016 and early 2017 of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) showed three quarters of responded businesses think the five groups of solutions set in the resolution have brought about “positive” impacts, and only one quarter said they have not felt any effect. 

However, participants pointed out that the Resolution has yet to meet expectations, failing to produce substantive favourable conditions or create real driving forces for the reform of institutions while the business environment is slow to improve.


They attributed those failures to the unclear definition of power and responsibility, and the poor enforcement of the Government and Prime Minister’s instructions. 

Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Nguyen Van Than called on the Government to take measures to reduce production cost. 

Businesses themselves should abide by law and proactively improve their capacity, he said, adding that big companies need to support smaller ones in the sale of products to join the global value chain. 

President of the BRG Group Nguyen Thi Nga hoped the Government will devise a mechanism soon to allow businesses to operate on an equal footing with other economic sectors, and build a clear and specific legal corridor to spur business development.

To address the shortcomings, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said the Government will push ahead with administrative reform to enable businesses to develop in all fields and sectors as well as encourage business households and individuals to forge connectivity to form companies, and support enterprises to promote innovation, industrial modernization, and human resources development. 

He urged ministries and departments to revise and simplify business and investment regulations in accordance with the Law on Investment and Law on Enterprises.

PM conference with businesses seeks development measures

Enterprises across Vietnam contributed their ideas to making breakthrough policies in service of the efficient enforcement of the Government’s resolution on supporting and developing businesses until 2020 during the ongoing conference between the Prime Minister and businesses in Hanoi on May 17.

Pham Hong Hai, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC) Managing Director, said that in the context of a changing world economy, Vietnam is emerging as a spotlight in the region with its advantageous competitive labour cost, and political and macro-economic stability.

The country has become a production centre with a number of big projects and billion-USD contracts, he stated, adding that the Government’s commitment to becoming an incorruptible, active and constructive Government also helps inspire the business community.

Hai suggested the Government pay attention to connecting domestic and foreign-invested enterprises as well as to the fields that Vietnam has competitive advantages.

Businesses should invest in technology in order to develop and compete sustainably, while the nation should intensify educational reform in order to increase labour productivity and speed up the national renewal, especially in the context that Vietnam is integrating into the global economy, he added.

Representing construction businesses, Le Van Kiem, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Long Thanh Golf Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company, expressed concern over the financial matter.

He proposed the Government act as a guarantee for interest rates to facilitate the implementation of long-term projects.

Meanwhile, Pham Van Son, member of the directors’ board of BMJ Group, requested the Government to seek ways to help livestock breeders, and veterinary medicine and cattle-feed companies and distributors deal with difficulties by rescheduling debt payment for them.

Nguyen Duu De, Chairman of the Hop Luc Joint Stock Company cum President of the Business Association of Thanh Hoa province and President of the Vietnamese Private Hospital Association, emphasised the need to rearrange the public servant staff in order to raise the efficiency of the Government resolution.

It is also necessary to attract the involvement of private enterprises in the health sector to share overloads of state-owned hospitals.

In the real estate sector, President of the Ho Chi Minh City Real Estate Association Le Hoang Chau showed his hope that the Government will consider solutions to tackling hidden risks of the real estate market, including permitting land use and land-related asset rights mortgaged at foreign banks and revising the law on investment and businesses.