Over 1,500 cameras have been installed at many level crossings, driver's compartments, and stations in an attempt to limit train accidents.



An accident in Quang Nam Province

Surprise inspections over traffic safety carried out by the Vietnam Railway Authority revealed serious problems such as employees felt asleep during their shifts, drunken guards or broken equipment.

Truong Binh from Hanoi Railway Signal and Telecom JSC said after the Vietnam Railway Corporation had ordered the installation of CCTV cameras at the level crossings. They also wrote software to monitor the state of the equipment.

Hoang Van Thieu, head of Giap Bat Railway Station in Hanoi, said that with camera feeds to his room, the employees would be continuously monitored.

The cameras will also act as a witness for investigations in case where there are serious accidents. As of now, 1,100 level crossings, 266 driver's compartments and 263 control rooms have had cameras installed. Doan Duy Hoach, deputy director of Vietnam Railway Corporation said various departments in the railway sector could cross-checking each other with the camera system.

Train drivers, guards at level crossings, and the state of the equipment can be seen all day via smart phones, computers or laptops.

"The cameras are a means to prevent mistakes made by irresponsible employees who will be given an immediate warning so that accidents can be avoided," Hoach said.

Nguoi Lao Dong/Dtinews