Cancer incidence in Vietnam ranks 99th out of 185 countries ảnh 1

At a scientific conference on cancer prevention research

As of this morning, Hue Central Hospital in coordination with the Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy hosted a scientific conference on cancer prevention research in Hue City, Thua Thien-Hue Province.

More than 600 delegates comprising over 30 international experts and lecturers from the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the Southeast Asian Breast Cancer Symposium (SEABCS) and experts from the United States, Germany, Canada, Chile, Australia, Japan, India, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.

According to GLOBOCAN 2020, the cancer incidence in Vietnam ranks 90th out of 185 countries and the death rate from cancer ranks 50th among 185 countries. It is estimated that there are 122,690 cancer deaths among 182,563 new cases. This means that for every 100,000 people, 159 are newly diagnosed with cancer, and another 106 people die from the disease.

Currently, more than 350,000 Vietnamese people are living with cancer.

Cancer incidence in Vietnam ranks 99th out of 185 countries ảnh 2

Diagnosis and treatment of cancer at Hue Central Hospital

Following a recent study by Hue Central Hospital on head and neck cancer incidence in the period 2010-2020, the rate of young patients under 40 years old reached 11.2 percent, nearly doubling the data from 10 years ago.

Professor, MD, Ph.D, Doctor Pham Nhu Hiep, Director of Hue Central Hospital said that with the development of society along with medical advances, cancer is no longer a fear and obsession because it can be cured in case it is detected early and timely thanks to new advances in diagnosis and treatment.

More and more cancer patients have been completely cured.

Doctors in Vietnam are now using technology advances in the world for cancer diagnosis and treatment.

According to Professor, Doctor Tran Van Thuan, Deputy Minister of Health, the government has just issued a decision No.841/QD-TTg dated July 14, 2023 on the roadmap for the implementation of Vietnam's sustainable development goals by 2030, with the set target of reducing the death toll by 20-25 percent in the group of under 70 years old patients with cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) through prevention and treatment and promoting mental and physical health.

In order to reach the set target, Vietnam needs to actively participate in and strongly promote the implementation of activities within the framework of the Global Strategies, especially for cancers that can be prevented, early detected and effectively treated, such as breast cancer, Cervical cancer, thyroid cancer and so on.

Within the framework of the conference, there is a training program on multi-specialty cancer treatment via updating new advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, head and neck cancer and hematopoietic cancer. Besides, leading experts shared their experiences in pediatric oncology development, particularly pediatric cancer surgery and bone marrow transplant, and nursing issues.

Moreover, the Vietnam Cancer Patient Forum was organized with the purpose of connecting leading experts and doctors in the field of oncology in Vietnam and around the world to share and provide accurate information and progressive sciences and technologies for the treatment of Vietnamese cancer patients, thereby contributing to spreading the spirit of optimism for the patients.

Source: SGGP