VietNamNet Bridge - CCTV cameras will be installed at nursery schools in districts 1, 12 and Hoc Mon in a pilot program before being set up at all schools in HCMC.


The camera system aims to improve education management and protection of children at nursery schools. The program has been applauded by parents, who are concerned about a series of child abuse cases at nursery schools. But teachers oppose the program.

Cameras will be installed in classrooms to observe the activities of teachers and children. Parents can see the images, but only the school board of management can supervise the teaching activities.

Fifty-two percent of teachers in a survey of the pilot schools did not agree on installing cameras inside classrooms, saying this violates individuals’ privacy. More than 72 percent of teachers said they would fear making mistakes.

Do Minh Hoang, chief secretariat of the HCMC Education Department, said the camera installation aims to help schools’ headmasters and agencies supervise education activities so they can fix mistakes and trace down incidents.

He also emphasized that to settle the child abuse problem, it is necessary to produce ethical teachers and pedagogical methods, and create a good working environment.

Cameras will be installed in classrooms to observe the activities of teachers and children. Parents can see the images, but only the school board of management can supervise the teaching activities.

Other experts  said cameras are not ‘God’s eyes’ which can see everything. Nursery schools need good teachers and skills, not just cameras. 

Meanwhile, education experts advocate the municipal authorities’ plan, saying that installing cameras is the best solution to protect children. 

They said the schools’ board management and agencies sometimes neglect their responsibilities of supervising teaching activities. In many cases, headmasters cover up for erring teachers.

In fact, most private schools in HCMC have cameras inside classrooms, while state-owned schools only install cameras at entrance gates.

One parent said that she would send her child to private school because of the cameras. 

“We need to be sure that our children can be protected and are safe at school,” she said. 

The young mother admitted that teachers feel uncomfortable teaching before supervision of cameras. However, she still thinks this is a must. 

“Educators need to prove their education quality. Only when they can do this will we use their services,” she said.

In Hanoi, the Hanoi People’s Council’s supervisory board has discovered a high number of unlicensed nursery classes. Seventy nursery classes had no operation license and 600 classes had more than the allowed number of children.

The inspectors found classes with 300 children each, though every nursery class/group must not have more than 50 children.


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Mai Nam