VietNamNet Bridge – The central province of Quang Binh has announced that henceforth the workings of civil servants will be monitored on CCTV camera to avoid them from wasting time lingering in coffee shops.

Nguyen Van Son, director of Department of Home Affairs in Quang Binh Province, said the People’s Committee has ordered state agencies to tighten discipline and rules for civil servants, soldiers in the armed forces, as well as monitor wasteful ceremonies at marriages and funerals.

The People’s Committee has asked the Department of Home Affairs and media to place CCTV cameras at popular and crowded coffee shops to monitor civil servants and state employees who waste time lingering during working hours or drinking wine in the afternoons.

Several inspection teams will conduct unscheduled checks on absentees during working hours. Media will publicize the names of absentee civil servants and drunken employees during working hours, as well as those people absorbed in social evils.

Source: SGGP