A dramatically choreographed ‘artistic’ wedding between famous MC Thanh Bach and the owner of Thuy Nga Productions, the most prestigious recording studio and music production in the overseas Vietnamese music world, has been criticised as a crass PR opportunity.

On July 14, a clip about the wedding between the couple Thanh Bach and Thuy Nga held in the southern province of Dong Nai was posted online. Right after that, the video went viral, attracting the attention of the public and media.


Thanh Bach and Thuy Nga at their 8th wedding in Dong Nai Province on July 19

The wedding saw the participation of their relatives and Vietnamese artists with numerous wishes for the couple. However, speaking with reporters, Thanh Bach explained that this was an ‘artistic’ wedding between them. He and Thuy Nga were only the life partner in the artistic and musical sense, and in reality aren’t husband and wife at all.

According to Thanh Bach, the wedding in Dong Nai Province was their eighth such wedding and they also held the same wedding, the ninth, in HCM City on July 19 for the aim of using envelopes given by the guests to raise funds for charity to help the poor and disadvantaged people in Vietnam.

Thanh Bach said that artists have their own different ways of doing charitable activities such as holding music shows or selling paintings, and he and Thuy Nga selected the fake wedding as another way.


They also use all traditional rites of a Vietnamese wedding for their fake wedding

Many people hailed the purpose of their wedding as they tried to help the poor. "Vietnam doesn’t have generous billionaires such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Mark who spent their billions on helping the poor; so we should support Thanh Bach and Thuy Nga to do so," a reader named The Anh said.

However, other people said that it is ridiculous for Thanh Bach and Thuy Nga to hold fake weddings in which they also use all traditional rites of a Vietnamese wedding.

Being famous artists, some people suggested they could have many different ways to raise funds for charity, instead of using fake wedding.
