Central Highlands provinces would receive more than VNĐ103 trillion (US$4.4 billion) in ivestment to develop irrigation systems, according to a scheme which has been approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).
Irrigation works in Central Highlands provinces will be upgraded to adapt to climate change. — Photo doanhnghiepvn.vn
MARD said the investment aimed to gradually modernise the irrigation systems, improving clean water supply, re-structuring the agricultural sector and adapting to climate change.
The funding would come from the State budget, local budget, organisations and individuals.
The plan targets more than 1.16 million hectares of land and irrigation works which are out of order will be repaired and new ones will be built.
Experts will study water supply and drainage from hydropower reservoirs in the river basin of the Central Highlands to supply high-tech agricultural production. They will also study and set up connections between water sources and reservoirs.
Ponds and small lakes will be developed to store water in mountainous areas.
Forecasting will be modernised and advanced water-saving technology will be applied. — VNS