‘Move to earn’ has emerged as a new trend for crypto investors. The phrase refers to apps with the combination of GameFi and SocialFi.

GameFi, a fusion of a words game and finance, is a term used to refer to e-game projects that come with financial elements. As for SocialFi, it is an economic model that reconciles finance and social communication activities.

Unlike ‘play to earn’, with ‘move to earn’, players need to implement physical activities (running, jumping, playing sports… etc) to receive bonus tokens. They can convert the tokens for cryptocurrencies.

Move to earn has been stirring up the blockchain world. According to Coinmarketcap, there are just slightly over 10 ‘move to earn’ projects, but total capitalization value has reached $2.3 billion.

The pioneer in ‘move to earn’ movement is StepN, an app developed by Satoshi Lab. There are also startups developing ‘move to earn’ apps in Vietnam, which are ready to compete with foreign rivals.

RUN Together is one of a few Vietnamese startups in the field of ‘move to earn’ games. The project has made a strong impression though it has just been launched in the world market.

Nguyen Nhat Khanh, CEO of RUN Together, said this is a ‘move to earn’ project built on the Binance Smart Chain platform. The studio now has 150 members, who all have experience in blockchain technology and app development.

After the IDO (Initial DEX Offering), the number of users and project followers increased by 400 percent. Coinmarketcap has recognized the huge transaction amount of $200 million just after the first 24 hours.

RUN Together has created cooperative relations with investment funds, technology firms and large token distribution platforms such as ONUS, FAM Central, BSCStation, JadeLabs and FundGo, and it is being perfected before the launch on May 7.

According to Khanh, the project development team recognized the potential of the ‘move to earn’ market long ago and began researching to set up an initial core app very early.

StepN started earlier and emerged as a market leader. However, Khanh believes that there are still opportunities for all. Affirming that RUN Together is not a copy of StepN, he said RUN Together can compete equally with StepN and other projects.

The differences between RUN Together and other ‘move to earn’ projects are features such as team running, competition, training mode and community fitness activities.

This helps connect users who love running together. This is also a community value that the project is aiming at.

Trong Dat