National carrier Vietnam Airlines has asked all its passengers to do check-in procedures two hours before the departure time of their domestic flights at the Hanoi's Noi Bai International Airport.


A corner of Terminal 1 in Noi Bai International Airport.

The airline sent out instructions after upgradation work began at the airport’s Terminal 1 (which serves domestic flights) on Tuesday. The carrier is concerned that the ongoing work might delay passengers, reported online newspaper Infonet.

Additionally, data of the carrier shows that in the first 10 days of this month, around 6,000 passengers presented themselves at boarding gates later than permitted for a wide range of reasons. The rise in the number of people travelling this summer was said to be one of the reasons, the carrier said.

The airline is also encouraging people to do online check-in so as to avoid long queues and waits, especially when the airport is overcrowded because of high travel.

The airport upgradation work is scheduled to go on for eight months, until March 2018.

Terminal 1 became operational in 2001, and its passenger traffic capacity is six million per year. Once the terminal gets upgraded, it will be able to serve 15 million passengers per year.