VietNamNet Bridge - Research conducted by a team headed by Dr Tran Quang Tuyen from the Hanoi University of Economics, a member school of the Hanoi National University, found that people with fathers with professional careers were 260 percent more likely to follow the same path than people with fathers who were manual laborers.


The research has for the first time considered the influence of families, individuals and labor training quality on the career choice of Vietnamese youth.

An interesting discovery of the research is that Vietnamese women can find better jobs than men.

Higher education levels are the most important factor in choosing intellectual work, while the family background (mainly the fathers’ occupations) plays an important role in children’s choices for careers.

Higher education levels are the most important factor in choosing intellectual work, while the family background (mainly the fathers’ occupations) plays an important role in children’s choices for careers.

The father's employment status has a strong influence on career choices of the children.

The findings by Tuyen and his co-workers coincide with research on the impact of parents’ careers on children’s decisions. This is true in both developed and developing countries.

If a father attains a high professional position, his social position helps his children find  better jobs. 

The intellectual work that demands high skills will bring the highest income, while manual work that demands low skills will have the lowest income.

The group of best-paid jobs have monthly income higher by VND1.53 million than the group of worst-paid jobs, and higher by VND850,000 than the group of medium-paid jobs.

The income gap between the jobs with medium and lowest income is about VND690,000. The level of satisfaction about careers that don’t require skills is also lower than other careers.

People who have at least one child are 58 percent less likely to choose jobs that require skills. The figure is 21 percent higher for every child they have. 

Marital status doesn’t have a relation to career choice, but migration status is closely related to career choice.

Regarding education’s role, the research found that education has the biggest impact on people when choosing some groups of careers. In general, better education will increase the ability of choosing better jobs. 

The impact of education can be seen more clearly on workers who have university education. Bachelor’s degrees increase the ability of having low-skill intellectual work by 8.7 percent and the ability of having high-skill intellectual work by 28.8 percent.


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