Maintaining and fostering the Vietnam-China relations in a healthy and stable manner is the common responsibility of both sides to serve long-term benefits of the two peoples, said Hoang Binh Quan, head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs.

Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs Hoang Binh Quan (R) and Zhang Zhinan 

Quan received a delegation from the Communist Party of China led by Zhang Zhinan, a member of the Standing Committee of Fujian province’s Party Committee, in Hanoi on September 22.

He showed his hope that cooperation between Vietnamese localities and Chinese localities, including Fujian, will be promoted to gain positive developments in the time ahead.

Zhang, who is also Executive Vice Governor of Fujian, stated that his delegation’s visit aimed to realise the agreements reached by the two countries’ leaders, strengthen mutual understanding and trust between the two Parties, and intensify cooperation between Fujian and Vietnamese localities.

He said he believes that both sides will work to realise their senior leaders’ common perceptions and step up bilateral trade and economic ties and people-to-people diplomacy.

The Chinese delegation also had a working session with deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission Nguyen Ngoc Bao, during which the two sides discussed measures to foster cooperation in economics, trade, investment and tourism.

They are scheduled to make a fact-finding tour of Hanoi and Quang Ninh province to study local socio-economic situation.