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Coach Coach Kim Sang Sik of the Vietnam national football squad.

During the team's inaugural training session in Iraq on June 8th, Coach Kim rallied his players, acknowledging their fatigue after recent competitions and extensive travel. Yet, he instilled unwavering belief, stating: "We've come here with one goal: to triumph over Iraq."

With clear objectives in mind, Coach Kim urged unity and positivity, emphasizing self-management and optimal recovery for peak performance. He underscored the significance of preparation and desire in determining the victor, asserting: "The team that is better prepared and hungrier will prevail. I firmly believe we can defy the odds and achieve remarkable results."

While acknowledging Iraq's perceived advantages, Coach Kim remained optimistic about Vietnam's prospects, expressing confidence in his team's ability to deliver a strong performance.

"We anticipate immense pressure from the fervent Iraqi fans, but we arrive with a steadfast determination to secure victory," Coach Kim asserted confidently.

Captain Do Hung Dung echoed the sentiments, recognizing the challenges posed by the Iraqi summer and the formidable opponent. However, he affirmed the team's commitment to giving their all on the field.

Center-back Bui Hoang Viet Anh expressed his determination, acknowledging Iraq's strength while emphasizing Vietnam's resolve to compete with unwavering determination.

As anticipation builds for the match scheduled for 9:00 p.m. local time on June 11th (1:00 a.m. on June 12th Vietnam time), Vietnam's team, led by Coach Kim Sang Sik, is poised for a spirited performance against Iraq.

Vietnam national team: training resilience amidst Iraq's intense heat:

Facing the dual challenges of time zone disparities and scorching temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, the Vietnam national team demonstrated their mettle during a rigorous training session in Iraq.

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Under the evening sky on June 8th, local time, the Vietnamese squad initiated their preparatory training in Basra, gearing up for a crucial clash against hosts Iraq in the final round of the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.
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Vietnam's objective in this encounter is clear: securing a victory to keep their advancement hopes alive. Having previously succumbed to a 0-1 defeat against Iraq at My Dinh Stadium, Vietnamese players are determined to reverse their fortunes.
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Yet, attaining three points on foreign soil poses formidable challenges. Vietnam not only contends with a formidable opponent enjoying home-field advantage but also grapples with various logistical hurdles.

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Navigating the time zone discrepancy and grappling with Iraq's scorching summer conditions, with temperatures soaring to a blistering 47-48 degrees Celsius, require swift adaptation and resilience from the players.
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Even as the clock struck 8:00 PM local time, the training session persisted amidst temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, a testament to the players' unwavering commitment and resolve, epitomized by figures like Quang Hai and Tuan Hai.
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Coach Kim Sang Sik, recognizing the arduous conditions, rallied his players, urging them to maintain a positive mindset and unity.
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"I implore you to focus on self-management, prioritize recovery, and ensure peak performance when we face Iraq," emphasized the South Korean tactician.
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Despite the adversities, the Vietnam national team remains composed and resolute, with players like Hoang Duc nurturing hopes of progression.
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Vietnam's path to the next round hinges on securing a draw against Iraq, coupled with Indonesia's defeat to the Philippines. Alternatively, triumph against Iraq, alongside Indonesia's inability to overcome the Philippines, ensures Vietnam's advancement.
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Scheduled for June 11th at 9:00 PM local time (1:00 AM, June 12th, Vietnam time), the clash between Vietnam and Iraq promises to be a test of skill, resilience, and determination.

Dai Nam