The establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and India will create a new momentum for the development of the two countries and the whole region in general.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the remark at a meeting with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi on September 3 during his official visit to Vietnam.

The PM said Vietnam and India have overcome difficulties to develop relations over years, stressing that Vietnam plays a key role in India’s “Act East” policy and appreciating the country’s support for India at both regional and international forums.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong spoke highly of the PM’s visit to Vietnam, saying it demonstrates the attention of the Indian Government and the PM personally to boosting the time-honoured friendship forged between the two countries.

He confirmed that the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people always treasure the long-lasting amity and comprehensive strategic partnership with India, as well as support the country’s “Act East” policy and its increased presence in and connectivity with Southeast Asia.

The Party leader agreed with the PM’s proposal of enhancing high-level delegation and people-to-people exchanges while maintaining the current cooperation mechanisms and promoting affiliation across fields.

The two sides continue close coordination at regional and international forums, especially of the United Nations (UN), Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), World Trade Organisation (WTO), and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), he added.

On the day, the Indian guest was greeted by President Tran Dai Quang at the Presidential Palace.

President Tran Dai Quang spoke highly of the talks between PMs Narendra Modi and Nguyen Xuan Phuc, especially their decision to elevate the two countries’ strategic partnership to comprehensive strategic partnership.

He expressed his belief that the orientations discussed by the two leaders will create a fresh driving force and cooperation opportunities for bilateral relations to grow extensively and match with the freshly-formed comprehensive strategic partnership.

The President asserted that Vietnam encourages Indian oil and gas companies to broaden cooperative activities in projects implemented in the two countries or the third countries.

The two countries should study expanding partnerships in civil aviation, marine transportation, and road connectivity, Quang added.

PM Narendra Modi told his host that the upgrade of bilateral ties to comprehensive strategic partnership is a clear evidence of the trust shared by the two countries.

He reiterated that India places an extreme importance on Vietnam in its “Act East” policy and noted that the two countries should expand their cooperation in economics, trade and investment to create a win-win playing ground.

He expressed his hope that the commitments made by Vietnamese leaders provide a foundation for the two countries to reap new successes.

Meeting with the Indian guest the same day, National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan underlined the significance of Modi’s official visit, considering it a practical action to build up political trust and solidarity between the countries’ peoples.

She also spoke highly of the lifting of bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, and believed that it will create a new framework to intensify their cooperation across the board, particularly politics, economics, defence-security, trade-investment, science-technology, and culture-education.

She assured that the Vietnamese NA will provide favourable legal conditions for the effective implementation of cooperation agreements between the two Governments.

She also appreciated the Indian parliament’s support for the Indian Government’s policies and activities on enhancing the traditional amity and strategic partnership with Vietnam in recent years.

The Vietnamese NA attaches importance to cooperation with India and advocates the country’s “Act East” policy and all-round connectivity with Southeast Asia.

For his part, PM Modi said in his talks with PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc the two sides achieved a long-term vision on bilateral relations and pledged to realise the reached agreements.

He said India-Vietnam cooperation benefits not only their own nations but also the region.

The visiting PM said he hopes the countries’ parliaments will bolster affiliation in the time ahead, including through delegation exchanges and experience sharing.

In the afternoon, PM Modi left Hanoi, sucessfully concluding his official visit to Vietnam.

Vietnam-India ties upgraded to comprehensive strategic partnership

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi agreed to upgrade their countries’ strategic partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership during their talks in Hanoi on September 3.

At the talks following the official welcome ceremony, they rejoiced at the extensive and substantive development of bilateral relations, especially since the strategic partnership was set up in 2007.

They said the upgrade of bilateral ties is to meet the aspirations of the two countries’ leaders and peoples, and to be in conformity with both sides’ fundamental and long-term interests, as well as their willingness to contribute to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc said Vietnam treasures the time-tested friendship with India which was founded by late President Ho Chi Minh and Indian PM Jawaharlal Nehru. He said his country supports India’s “Act East” policy and its greater role in the region and the world.

Narendra Modi, who is the first Indian PM to visit Vietnam in 15 years, congratulated the Southeast Asian nation on the great socio-economic development progress and expressed his pride of the close relationship between President Ho Chi Minh and PM Nehru.

He stressed Vietnam is an important pillar in India’s “Act East” policy and the expansion of India’s relations with ASEAN.

The two leaders agreed to enhance political and diplomatic cooperation through increasing visits at all levels and exchanges between their Parties, parliaments and people. The countries will effectively implement existing cooperation mechanisms, including soon organising the meeting of the Inter-Governmental Committee.

They considered security-defence cooperation as one of the important pillars of the comprehensive strategic partnership and pledged to effectively carry out the Joint Vision Statement on Vietnam-India Defence Cooperation and deepen collaboration in this sphere.

The Indian PM thanked the Vietnamese Government for providing favourable conditions for his country’s naval ships to visit Vietnam, thereby helping boost mutual understanding between the two navies.

The two PMs highlighted the enormous strategic cooperation potential in economics, trade and investment. They hailed two-way trade that surpassed 7.8 billion USD in 2015 and showed confidence that the bilateral trade target of 15 billion USD in 2020 is feasible.

The leaders agreed to direct ministries and relevant sectors to take concrete measures to help businesses collaborate in the fields of their strengths while reducing trade barriers on import-export products and encouraging bilateral investment.

PM Narendra Modi welcomed Vietnamese enterprises to participate in the “Make in India” initiative to enjoy its preferential treatment. He acknowledged the proposal to reduce trade barriers and entrusted ministries and sectors to work on this issue.

Meanwhile, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc welcomed Indian companies to increase investments in Vietnam and pledged to create the most favourable conditions for Indian investors and support them based on Vietnam’s current law.

PM Narendra Modi affirmed that India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) will continue to implement its projects in Vietnam, and hope to get more support to expand cooperation and investment in the country.

The two sides exchanged measures to widen collaboration in other important fields such as energy, peaceful uses of nuclear energy, aerospace science, oil and gas, information technology, and science-technology, along with education, healthcare, culture, tourism, and people-to-people exchanges.

They underlined the potential and significance of agricultural cooperation and stressed the need to increase connectivity in aviation, navigation, infrastructure and digital connection.

The PMs also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concerns and agreed to enhance coordination at regional and global forums, especially of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and related forums.

Regarding the East Sea issue, the two sides reiterated their wish and determination to work together to maintain peace, stability, security, freedom and safety of overflight and navigation in the East Sea based on the principles of international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS).

They confirmed the importance of fully respecting the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and hoped the involved parties will soon reach a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

The Indian PM expressed his hope that Vietnam and other ASEAN member states will soon reach an agreement to realise the 1-billion-USD credit package that India provides for the bloc in digital and infrastructure connectivity.

He took this occasion to thank the Vietnamese Government and people for their warm welcome and invite PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc to visit India at a convenient time. PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc accepted the invitation with pleasure. Dates for the visit will be arranged through diplomatic channels.

After the talks, the two PMs witnessed the signing of 12 cooperation agreements between the two countries.

Indian PM meets with Vietnamese Buddhists

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with monks and nuns studying at the Vietnam Buddhist Academy in Hanoi on September 3 as part of his visit to Vietnam, which began on September 2.

Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon, President of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Executive Council, highlighted the development of Buddhism in Vietnam , saying the religion always plays a crucial role in tightening the friendship between the two countries.

He said Indian monks were the first to introduce Buddhism to Vietnam via marine trade routes, creating cultural links between the two nations.

Buddhism has become an indispensable component of Vietnam ’s culture over the past 2,000 years, he added.

The Vietnam – India friendship has been reinforced based on the foundation laid by first Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and President Ho Chi Minh, he said.

He expressed his belief that India will be more prosperous and play a key role in building peace, stability, and development in the region and around the world, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Indian PM told monks and nuns that the world needs peace and pursuing peace will bring happiness for all.

He stressed that Buddhism brings hopes, lights, beliefs and peace and expressed his hopes to welcome more Vietnamese monks and nuns to study Buddhism in India.