At the invitation of President Tran Dai Quang, French President Francois Hollande on September 5 began a three-day State visit to Vietnam, a significant political event that marks a new milestone in bilateral ties and contributes to deepening the strategic partnership between the two countries.

President Tran Dai Quang (left) receives French President Francois Hollande.

Vietnamese people are delighted at the achievements in all areas that the French have gained over recent years. 

France is the world’s fifth largest economic power and the world’s third biggest exporter of services. 

Its gross domestic product (GDP) reached EUR2,181 in 2015. 

France ranked fourth in the world for foreign investment (with US$1,400 billion in 2015) and also the world’s fourth largest destination in attracting foreign investors (US$15 billion in 2014). 

The country is the top producer and exporter of agricultural products in the EU and welcomes the largest number of visitors in the world (attracting around 90 million tourists per year).

France is one of five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as well as a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the European Union (EU) and many other international organisations, holding an key voice in the international arena.

 Vietnam and France have actively co-operated with one another at numerous international forums, particularly in the UN, ASEM, ASEAN – EU and the Francophone community.

It is of welcome news that the Vietnam-France relationship has achieved remarkable strides since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1973, particularly in regards to the establishment of the strategic partnership. 

The two countries have carried out regular exchanges of high-ranking delegations, creating a driving force for the bilateral relations. 

In addition to visits made to Vietnam by former Presidents Mitterrand, Chirac, Fillon (in 2009) and President of the National Assembly of France Claude Bartolone in March 2016, Vietnamese leaders, including former Secretaries of Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu and Nong Duc Manh, former President Tran Duc Luong and former Prime Ministers Vo Van Kiet, Phan Van Khai and Nguyen Tan Dung, paid official visits to France.

In 2013, the two countries signed a joint declaration on establishing the Vietnam - France strategic partnership, the basis for deepening and widening their relations. 

The two sides also set up numerous mechanisms for the co-operation and co-ordination of the bilateral relations, such as security and defence strategic dialogue, annual high-level dialogues on economy and co-operative meetings between Vietnamese and French localities. 

France is taking the lead in the efforts of Western countries to restore ties with Vietnam, forgive debts and support Vietnam in debt settlement with member countries of the Paris Club of international creditors.

Co-operation in economy, trade and investment between the two countries has seen new steps in its development. 

France is the fifth largest trade partner of Vietnam in the EU with two-way trade turnover of US$4.2 billion in 2015. 

The country ranks second among European investors and 16th among countries and territories investing in Vietnam with a total registered capital of US$3.4 billion. 

Vietnam has six companies investing in France with total capital of US$2.48 million. France is the leading European donor of official development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam and Vietnam stood second among priority Asian countries for ODA from France with a total committed capital of US$18.4 billion (since 1993). 

France has always considered education and training as a priority objective in co-operation with Vietnam, offering up to 80 scholarships to Vietnamese students to study in the country each year.

Initiated in the early 1990s, the co-operation between the two countries’ localities has become a key aspect in bilateral relations with partnerships between 38 French localities and 18 Vietnamese provinces and cities. 

France is one of seven countries and territories investing most in tourism of Vietnam, with 14 projects worth US$188 million. 

The two countries’ co-operation in other fields including healthcare, defence, science and technology has been developed. 

France has also paid much attention to boosting co-operation with Vietnam in energy, aerospace, infrastructure development, telecommunications and agriculture.

Currently, the Vietnamese community in France boasts around 300,000 people, increasingly integrating with the host country and becoming a bridge strengthening the bilateral ties.

The Vietnamese Association in France is the largest union of overseas Vietnamese in the host country, making numerous contributions to Vietnam’s struggle for national independence and reunification in the past and in the current cause of national construction and defence.

The State visit to Vietnam made by French President Francois Hollande aims to affirm the determination of the two countries’ leaders and people to concretise the Vietnam – France comprehensive strategic partnership and promote the strength and potentials of co-operation as well as enhance co-operation on politics, foreign affairs, security, defence, trade, investment, science, technology, education and training.

Nhan Dan