National Assembly (NA) deputies mulled over debatable points in the draft of the amended Press Law as part of their agenda on the first day of the 11th meeting of the 13th parliament on March 21.


Deputy Ha Minh Hue of Binh Thuan province speaks at the meeting (Photo: VNA)

A report by the NA Standing Committee said some deputies suggested omitting matters already stipulated in the Civil Code to avoid overlap. Others proposed adding a prohibition on offending against faiths and religious beliefs, and revealing occupational and family secrets to the draft revised law.

Deputy Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy of central Da Nang city said the draft’s Article 12, which specifies press agencies’ responsibility towards citizens’ right to the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech on the press, is unfeasible.

She elaborated that press outlets are unable to publish every suggestion, comment, story or photo created by citizens. They are also unable to respond to every mail and petition they receive.

She added press agencies do not post or print complaints and denunciations without verification. Meanwhile, usually media outlets don’t have enough staff to verify every petition, but instead ask authorised agencies to deal with them.

Regarding Item 3 of Article 11, To Van Tam, a deputy of the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum, said it should stipulate that citizens have the right to offer opinions, comments, suggestions, complaints and denunciations of State officials, Party agencies, socio-political organisations and occupational socio-political organisations.

Item 3 currently only specifies citizens’ rights in relation to Party organisations, State agencies, social organisations and members of those organisations.

NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong said the drafting board would absorb the deputies’ opinions to overhaul the draft and submit it to the NA for approval before the end of the 11th meeting.