The Ministry of Construction has proposed importing sand due to apparent domestic shortages.


Illegal sand mining remains rampant in many localities in Vietnam

The ministry said sand imports must conform to trade regulations of the two countries, and explicitly rule out exports to a third country.    

The Ministry of Construction added that over recent years, demand for using construction sand has been on the rise in some southern localities. Vietnam’s total sand reserves are now estimated at 2.3 billion cubic metres, meeting 60 to 65% of construction demand.

Over the recent years, the illegal sand extraction has been found in different localities nationwide, including Cua Dai Beach in Quang Ngai Province’s Hoi An Town. This has resulted in severe erosion for the beach with 20 hectares of Cua Dai beach having been washed away.

Illegal sand excavating along Hanoi’s rivers have continued increasing, polluting the environment.

In the first 10 months of 2016, the municipal police discovered 151 cases of illegal sand excavation involving 191 people. They were fined VND2.8 billion (USD125,000).

The uncontrolled excavation of sand has harmed the environment, affected waterway transport, caused land erosion and altered river currents. However high profits have meant people ignore the havoc they are causing, including the collapse of houses on river banks.