While loading goods for delivery to customers’ homes last Saturday, Tran Van Khuong, a delivery worker at Co.opmart Cà Mau, saw a woman’s handbag lying in a trolley. It had obviously been left behind by an absent-minded customer.


Tran Van Khuong, a delivery worker at Co.opmart Ca Mau, hands over a handbag to Ngoc Yen, a customer. She had left it behind in the supermarket with 600gm of gold, more than VNĐ30 million in cash and some important documents. 

Khuong immediately reported the item to the security guard management board so that they could find the owner.

The board made an inventory of the handbag’s contents: there were more than 16 taels (37.5gm) of gold, more than VNĐ30 million in cash and several important documents.

Khuong said: “I was preparing as usual to deliver goods. When I was loading them on my motorbike, I saw a trolley at the supermarket’s main gate and wanted to put it in the right place. But I found a handbag in the trolley. Looking around, I saw no one ostensibly looking for something they had forgotten.”

The board found out that the owner of the bag was Ngoc Yen of Dam Doi District in Ca Mau Province, informed her about the discovery and told her to collect it.

A supermarket official and Khương handed over the handbag to her.

Yen, filled with appreciation and gratitude, said: "I was extremely anxious and thought it would be impossible to get back something so valuable. I am really very lucky and very thankful to Khương and the supermarket.”

The supermarket’s board of directors praised Khương for his honesty in the presence of all the staff and has decided to reward him besides recommending him for a reward from Saigon Co.op, which runs Co.opmart and some other supermarket chains.