Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc recently signed a decision to set up a fund for the prevention of and fight against crimes.


The fund will be used to award outstanding collectives and individuals in the prevention of and fight against crimes (Illustrative image. Source: VNA)

The fund at the central level will be managed by the Minister of Public Security while those at the provincial level, by the heads of provincial People’s Committees.

The projection of money to the fund, its payment and auditing will comply with the provisions of the State budget law and government Decree 163/2016/ND-CP dated February 21, 2016.

The fund will be formed from three revenue sources: the remainder from the central-level crime prevention and combat fund which was established under the Prime Minister’s Decision 47/2012.QD-TTg dated on November 1, 2012, the central budget supporting the charter capital when establishing this fund, and voluntary contributions from organisations and individuals at home and abroad.

The PM assigned the Ministry of Public Security to take responsibility for the management and usage of the fund, while the Ministry of Finance will support the charter capital for anti-crime activities.-VNA