
Cu Lao Cham Islands, which covers 15sq.km, is a cluster of eight islands - Hon Lao, Hon Dai, Hon Mo, Hon Kho Me, Hon Kho Con, Hon La, Hon Tai and Hon Ong


With its diverse eco-system and multi 100-year-old historical sites, Cu Lao Cham was officially recognised as a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in May 2009


In 2009 when it was recognised, Cu Lao Cham welcomed only 15,000 tourists but the figure last year rose to 415,000


In the core of the reserve, over the past 10 years, the sea preservation and environment protection have always been a focus of attention from residents and administration



A seabed walking service was launched in late April and began to serve tourists in the beginning of May


Tourists visiting Cu Lao Cham now can see creatures and coral reefs in the seabed 



Cu Lao Cham – pioneer in environmental protection

Cu Lao Cham – pioneer in environmental protection

While some other islands are only facing severe waste problems. However, Cu Lao Cham has come up with a solution in banning all non-biodegradable waste on the island for

Cham Island faces visitor overloading

Cham Island faces visitor overloading