Vietnam attaches great importance to developing relations with traditional friends in Central Eastern Europe, with the Czech Republic a prioritised partner.


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) meets with President of the Senate of the Czech Parliament Milan Stech

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan made the statement during talks with President of the Senate of the Czech Parliament Milan Stech in Prague on April 12.

She said Vietnam remembers the assistance of the Czech state and people in the cause of national independence and reunification. 

The top legislator thanked the Czech parliament and government for recognising Vietnamese-Czech people as one of the country’s ethnic minority groups in 2013, calling this a valuable asset for the two nation’s friendship.

She highlighted the traditional friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and the Czech Republic over the past 67 years, which have been nurtured by the two countries’ leaders and peoples.

Vietnam is willing to create favourable conditions for Czech businesses to explore long-term investment in Vietnam, Ngan said.

The Southeast Asian country also hopes to work with the Czech Republic at regional and international forums, especially the United Nations, Asia-Europe Meeting and ASEAN-EU, she added.

She affirmed that Vietnam will help the Czech Republic enhance relations with ASEAN, and proposed the European nation support Vietnam’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for 2020-2021.

Bilateral cooperation has seen progress in various fields in recent years thanks to high-level delegation exchanges, she said.

She welcomed Czech President Milos Zeman to pay a State visit to Vietnam in 2017, a move expected to open a new period of development for bilateral amity.

There is a plenty of room for the two countries to step up cooperation in economics, trade and investment, she said, noting that the Czech Republic added Vietnam – the only nation in ASEAN – into its list of 12 key trade markets.

Chairwoman Ngan proposed the Czech Republic enable businesses to sign deals to export Vietnam’s farm produce and seafood to the market and to import industrial goods, materials and spare parts from the Czech Republic.

She also called on the European country to make it easier for representatives of Vietnamese businesses to obtain visas to study the Czech market, seek partners and attend trade fairs and exhibitions.

Senate President Stech said Vietnam has the closest relations with his country in Southeast Asia.

The two sides need to reach an agreement on investment protection to drive economic relations forward, he said, adding that Czech companies are willing to set up joint ventures with Vietnamese firms to boost investment in science and technology.

He described Vietnam as a successful economy in Southeast Asia, and suggested the two sides make use of their respective strengths for mutual development.

Both sides agreed to push the EU to sign the Vietnam-EU free trade agreement, which will boost trade between Vietnam and the Czech Republic.

Parliamentary cooperation has been reinforced over the past few years thanks to regular high-level delegation exchanges.

The host and guest agreed that the two countries’ legislative bodies should increase rapports at multilateral parliamentary forums such as Inter-Parliamentary Union and Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership.

Vietnam and the Czech Republic will coordinate to monitor the implementation of cooperation agreements and projects signed between the two countries’ governments.

At a meeting with the press, the two sides affirmed that they reached consensus in various fields, and the cooperation potential is enormous.

Chairwoman Ngan said leaders of the Vietnamese and Czech legislative bodies had a candid discussion on issues of mutual concern.

President Milan Stech said both sides agreed to create a legal investment protection corridor for private enterprises.

With a large population and high economic growth, Vietnam can attract Czech investors, he added.

The same day, the President hosted a banquet to welcome the Vietnamese top legislator and her entourage to visit the Czech Republic. 

NA Chairwoman backs ties with Czech Republic communist party

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has expressed her support for enhanced ties between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Communist Party of the Czech Republic and Moravia (KSCM), saying that it is an important traditional cooperation channel and an invaluable asset of the two countries. 

During a meeting in Prague on April 12 with KSCM Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Czech Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies (Lower House) Vojtech Fillip, Ngan expressed her delight to learn that the KSCM holds the largest number of Party members in the Czech Republic’s political parties and asked the KSCM to continue supporting ties with Vietnam. 

Vietnam treasures friendship and multifaceted cooperation with traditional friends in the Central– Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic. 

She wished that the KSCM would further promote the Vietnam-Czech Republic comprehensive partnership, especially relations between localities. She also hoped that the party would reap success at the election of the Lower House this October and the Upper House in October 2018. 

Fillip, for his part, said the KSCM is ready to promote ties between the two Parties at the central and local levels. 

As the Czech Republic is home to a large number of Vietnamese nationals, the KSCM Chairman suggested further increasing cooperation between Vietnam’s Nhan dan (People) newspaper and KSCM’s Halo Noviny paper, saying that it will improve bilateral information exchange. 

The host expressed his belief that the upcoming visit to Vietnam by President Milos Zeman would contribute to lifting bilateral ties to a new height, affirming that the KSCM is the most close and trustworthy friend of Vietnam.

Vietnam welcomes Hungary’s policy to boost bilateral trade

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (L) meets with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan welcomes Hungary’s policy to boost the bilateral economic cooperation, including the signing of a framework agreement on a 440 million EUR credit.

At her meeting with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest on April 10, Vietnam’s top legislator asked Hungary to quickly implement the agreement and affirmed Vietnam will send a list of feasible projects to the European country to ensure the effective use of this credit.

Ngan said she was glad to know that the Hungarian PM has plans to pay an official visit to Vietnam in 2017.

She congratulated Hungary on its socio-economic achievements and European integration over the past time, and thanked the country for advocating the early signing and ratification of the Vietnam – EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

The NA Chairwoman expressed her hope that the two countries will maintain their consultative mechanism and mutual assistance at multilateral forums and international organisations.

Mentioning the talks between leaders of the two countries’ legislative bodies, Ngan said the two sides agreed to enhance collaboration via delegation exchanges and experience sharing while closely coordinating at regional and international parliamentary forums.

They also concurred to strengthen coordination in monitoring the implementation of agreements inked by the two nations’ governments, along with strategic cooperation projects.

Both parliaments will support exchanges and win-win partnerships between Vietnamese and Hungarian governments, localities, businesses and peoples, Ngan noted.

PM Viktor Orban said Hungary attaches great importance to the development of multi-faceted collaboration with Vietnam.

The traditional friendship and cooperation have been demonstrated via high-level meetings, thus creating mutual political trust, he added.

Hungary considers Vietnam a strategic partner in Southeast Asia, he said, adding that despite economic difficulties, the country still provides a credit package worth 440 million EUR for Vietnam.

NA Chairwoman meets Czech associations’ representatives

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and representatives of  Czech associations 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan received in Prague on April 12 (local time) leaders of the Czech Chamber of Economy, Czech Top 100 Association and a beer firm as part of her four-day visit to the European country.

During the reception, the Chairwoman expressed her pleasure to meet with leaders of Czech association, hoping that Czech associations will encourage businesses to invest and do business in Vietnam.

She briefed participants on Vietnam’s legal system toward international integration as well as the country’s favourable position for investors to expand their operation to the region. 

Vietnam is willing to serve as a bridge for Czech businesses to expand to other markets in Southeast Asia and Asia, she affirmed.

Echoing Ngan’s share on the two countries’ economic and trade relationship which does not match the potential, Vice President of the Czech Chamber of Economy Borivoj Minar said Czech associations want to improve the matter.

He stressed many Czech firms and associations visited and sought opportunities for investment and business in Vietnam in recent times.

According to Minar, the Czech Republic is an open market and his chamber is willing to provide support to bring Vietnamese commodities to the European market. 

Many Czech goods, including manufacturing products and food, are present in Vietnam, he said, hoping for more Czech products in the Southeast Asian market in the time ahead.

Vietnam is attractive to Czech firms, he said, adding that Czech businesses are ready to cooperate and transfer technology to produce goods that are the Czech Republic’s strength such as manufacturing industry and farm produce preservation.

Through Vietnam, Czech enterprises wish to expand to other markets in the region, he said.