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Police present at the scene of the fire. Photo: Ngoc Mai

Da Lat City Police provided initial information about the fire that happened in a house on Nguyen Phi Y Lan Street.

On the morning of the incident, Mr. Tran Quoc Khang, a resident of the same street, heard children crying and discovered that the house behind his was on fire. Mr. Khang immediately raised the alarm and attempted to extinguish the flames, but the locked door and rapid spread of the fire thwarted all efforts.

The blaze completely consumed the wooden house with a corrugated iron roof. Tragically, the three siblings, aged 6 years, 4 years, and 9 months, perished in the fire.

According to the police, the house was rented by Mr. Khang's relatives. In early 2021, it was rented to a woman named Tam, originally from Nghe An province, who had come to Da Lat City for work.

On June 23, Ms. D.T.T. (29 years old), brought her three children from Ninh Thuan to visit their grandmother, Mrs. Tam, and they stayed overnight.

On the morning of the fire, the grandmother went to work, and Ms. T. cooked breakfast for the children. Before leaving to buy milk, she locked the door but forgot to turn off the gas stove, which led to the fire.

Following the incident, leaders from the Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee, Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee, and Da Lat City People's Committee visited the scene. Authorities initially provided the victim's family with 18 million VND for funeral expenses.

Xuan Ngoc