On the morning of June 24, a house on Nguyen Phi Y Lan Street, Ward 7, Da Lat City, suddenly caught fire. The fire quickly spread, with smoke and flames covering the area. Dozens of firefighters and rescuers were immediately dispatched to the scene.

Local residents and emergency forces made every effort to extinguish the fire. However, the locked house door significantly hampered rescue operations. By the time authorities managed to break the lock, they discovered the tragic loss of three children (two boys and one girl) inside, along with extensive damage to the house's contents.

Police have cordoned off the area, and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the fire.

According to initial information, the three children had been brought from Ninh Thuan province to Da Lat City by their mother on June 23 to visit their grandmother.

Following the incident, Mr. Nguyen Thai Hoc, acting Secretary of the Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee, Nguyen Ngoc Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, and leaders of the Provincial Police, Da Lat City, and social organizations visited and offered condolences and support to the relatives of the deceased.

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The scene of the fire in Da Lat, which killed 3 children. Photo: Ngoc Mai

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Police block off the area. Photo: Ngoc Mai

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Ambulances were mobilized to the scene of the fire. Photo: Ngoc Mai

Xuan Ngoc