At Hoa Cam and An Don industrial zones, garment, electronic and plastic firms have all announced vacancies but have received only a few applications.

Central Area Electrical Mechanical JSC Administrative Department Deputy Head Ho Viet Dung said they announced vacancies for 150 workers but had only received 23 applications in three months.

"We're offering higher monthly salaries of between VND8-12 million and other bonuses and benefits," Dung said. "We're worried about labour shortages while more orders are returning.

Danang Friendship Production and Trading Company Director Mai Xuan Tu, also said they needed 250-300 new workers to meet rising production volume.

"Besides marketing on various online job sites, we've organized job fairs in some neighbouring localities to find workers," Tu said. "Our companies have also offered benefits including accommodation, meals, and travel but we're still short."

According to the Danang Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, local authorities have organised 12 job fairs where 293 local enterprises offered over 11,000 vacancies. However, only 600 workers registered for the vacancies, mostly in the garment sector.

A representative from the department, Nguyen Anh, said that most of the firms wanted young workers but so far have proved unsuccessful.

"I think that firms need to offer better policies and wages to attract workers," Anh said.
