VietNamNet Bridge - At least 616 people have been sent to training courses under the program on training and attracting talents (Program 922). 


616 people have been sent to training courses under Program 922

Of these, 93 broke their commitments and many of them have been sued for reimbursement. VND89 billion was reimbursed following the court’s judgement.

According to the Da Nang Interior Affairs, by May 2018, these included 128 people who have trained to become physicians, 368 who followed university education and 89 who are postgraduates.

To date, 460 trainees now have jobs. During work, some of them continued other training courses, either self-funded, or with the local budget. Some trainees terminated the contracts signed with municipal authorities after finishing the time period committed. As many as 380 trainees are working for the city’s agencies.

Nguyen Van Chien, deputy director of the Da Nang Interior Affairs Department, said that the job assignment to the trainees under Program 922 generally satisfy the city’s personnel demand. However, 173 trainees are not employed as official civil servants. 

As many as 207 trainees have been officially employed, while 60 trainees have become managerial officers. These include 44 heads of divisions, while 16 hold the post of deputy director of departments.

As many as 207 trainees have been officially employed, while 60 trainees have become managerial officers. These include 44 heads of divisions, while 16 hold the post of deputy director of departments.

Most trainees are appreciated for their abilities, qualifications and ethics. At least 77 initiatives of the trainees have been recognized.

As many as 93 trainees decided to quit the program. Forty of them quit after finishing the training courses and taking jobs. Forty-seven trainees violated their contracts. They either had poor learning records or did not take the jobs assigned to them.

The Da Nang authorities have sued 32 ‘talents’ for reimbursement of the training costs, which amount to VND2-3 billion for each trainee.

Eleven trainees agreed to pay compensation, and the city’s authorities withdrew the claim before the cases were brought to trial.

Eight trainees agreed to pay money at the hearing process, 10 trainees agreed to pay in during the judge execution period, and three finished reimbursement after the first instance hearing.

According to Chien, the contracts signed between Da Nang authorities and trainees before they were sent to training courses comprise detailed provisions about the compensation in case the two parties break commitments.

Therefore, most trainees paid compensation when withdrawing from the program. Only a few trainees did not pay and they have been sued by local authorities.

Da Nang authorities have been criticized for a ‘hasty decision’. However, Chien believes that it was necessary to bring justice to all trainees. 

“This is a humanistic decision to let the court make a final decision. It is necessary to claim back the people’s tax money,” he said.


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Thanh Mai