The central city of Danang has planned to spend a total VND111 billion (USD4.82 million) to build 13 air and water quality monitoring stations.


Danang beach

According to To Van Hung, director of the city’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment, among those, six will be used for air monitoring, three for river water and four for seawater. 

The project will be carried out in two phases. In the first phase from 2019 to 2021, seven stations will be installed at a cost of VND65 billion (USD2.7 million). Meanwhile, the rest will be set up in the second phase scheduled to start after 2022.

Hung added that once the stations were operational, people could check the seawater via an app on their smartphone.

Danang wants to build a smart city, prioritising the development of tourism and services.

In July this year, many tourists experienced red rashes in Danang suspected to be due to flame jellyfish.

Danang is targeted to become a smart city. In April, the city launched chatbot Danang Fantasticity to promote easy access to information on tourism and events.
