The Information System (IS), a company of the FPT Group, will supply information technology infrastructure (IT) for 16 hospitals in Da Nang this year.


A volunteer with a patient at Da Nang’s Oncology hospital. The central city in co-operation with FPT’s Information System company plans to start an e-heath programme in 2017. 

The move is part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the company and the city last week.

As planned, FPT’s IS company will help build up databases and software for patients’ medical files at five hospitals in the first stage in 2017.

The company also provides IT solutions for urban traffic as well as digital maps in management of buses and GPS car tracking.

Following the agreement, FPT’s IS will help the city become a beacon for advanced IT applications in e-heath, human resource training in IT, as well as information technology transfer.

According to the Department of Transport, 1,300 buses and 879 trucks have already been fitted with GPS tracking equipment.

Đà Nẵng launched its e-Government initiative in 2014 and offered free wireless internet services, with a maximum of 20,000 connections for local residents and tourists at major public spaces and streets across the city.

The central city had provided 1,196 on-line administration procedures, including one-stop shops, residential management, public transport and water supervision through the E-Government system.

Last year, the city and the military-owned telecommunications group Viettel signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for developing Da Nang into a ‘smart city’ in 2020.