Da Nang authorities plan to install security cameras in the Son Tra Nature Reserve as a part of security camera project launched in the city in 2015.


A monkey is killed by a motorbike rider when it tried to cross the road in Son Tra Mountain. 

Camera systems will be set up in different sites in the Son Tra Mountains to help security forces respond quickly to traffic accidents or public disorder in the reserve.

The city hopes the camera system will curb illegal actions and littering at the reserve.

The 4,400ha reserve hosts about 10,000 visitors each month, but there are no check-points in the area to supervise local residents and tourists entering the reserve, allowing for easy access.

In 2015, three red-shanked douc langurs, an endangered primate species, were killed by illegal hunters.

At least 10ha of forest was illegally logged in the reserve in 2016, and more than 2,000 traps were dismantled by rangers and volunteers. 

According to latest reports from the city, more than 16,000 cameras have been installed on streets and outside of living quarters, trading centres, industrial parks, markets, restaurants, hotels, bars and offices in the city since 2015.

All camera systems were operational in 2016 in preparation for hosting the 2017 Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Summit in the city on November 5-11.