The agricultural model applying high technology in Dak N'Drung commune, Dak Song district.

The mountainous province of Dak Nong has focused on transforming the growth model, changing thinking from traditional agricultural production to developing agricultural economy towards high quality, sustainability, contributing to creating jobs and increasing income for the people.

Dak Nong is located in the southwest gateway of the Central Highlands, with fertile basalt red soil and a temperate tropical climate, so it is very favorable to become a large commodity agricultural production area.

With existing strengths and appropriate development strategies, local agricultural production activities have been making worthy contributions to the local socio-economic development.

Currently, agricultural production accounts for about 40% of the province's economy. Agricultural products are increasingly diverse and abundant, and export output is increasing. The main agricultural products of Dak Nong province such as coffee, rubber, pepper, cashew, rice, corn, mango, avocado, and durian are gradually asserting their brands and gaining a foothold in the domestic and international markets.

By the end of 2023, Dak Nong's agricultural sector has had a relatively comprehensive development, continuing to serve as one of the three pillars of the province's economy. Agricultural production is shifting strongly towards improving quality and added value, gradually adapting to climate change; promoting local advantages; applying science and technology, transforming the structure of crops and livestock.

The agricultural structure is shifting in the right direction: decreasing in proportion and increasing in value. Developing high-tech agriculture, applying science and technology into production, using high-yield and high-quality seeds, adapting to climate change, and reducing production costs are increasingly focused.

The growth of the agricultural sector always remains at a good level, accounting for more than 37.11% of the province's economic structure. The average production value of 1 hectare of agricultural land reached 90 million VND in 2022. The province has formed 65 agricultural product production and consumption links have been formed based on the value chain for nine agricultural product industries, with the participation of nearly 10,000 households affiliated with businesses and cooperatives. There are 37 growing areas and 10 packaging facilities. The province has 93 OCOP products of 79 entities and a geographical indication for Dak Nong pepper. There are 38/60 communes meeting new rural standards...

Dak Nong is focusing resources to implement the National Strategy on Green Growth for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; supporting and encouraging the development of circular economic models that use agricultural by-products as a renewable, environmentally friendly source of raw materials; reviewing and adjusting planning and plans for agricultural production development, ensuring the advantages of each region and locality are promoted, especially creating concentrated, sustainable raw material areas and green material areas for agricultural, forestry and fishery product processing industry, meeting the increasing demand of the market.

The province focuses on promoting agricultural digital transformation, contributing to a strong change in the digital platform in the agricultural production-processing-business chain; innovating organization, cooperation, and link production based on the value chain; developing the domestic market and improving export efficiency, expanding consumption markets.

In particular, the province will focus on forming a new class of farmers, who are civilized, modern, internationally integrated farmers, playing a key role in the green, sustainable transition process, for a prosperous agriculture.

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