Danang City Department of Transport said on August 2 that they hadn't allowed Uber and Grab Car to operate yet despite an advertisement about Uber's pilot run posted on the internet.


According to the department, the city won't give the go-ahead until the Ministry of Transport review the two-year pilot project of applying science and technology to support management and connect passenger services of contracted cars such as in Uber and Grab Car cases.

The ministry will announce the legal framework to better manage such services.

"After the government and the Ministry of Transport issue legal documents related to the services, we'll work with related agencies to consult the city people's committee and allow them to operate in accordance with the procedures and regulations," the department's representative said.

The department will meet with Uber Vietnam to halt the advertised service being made available in the city.

Uber Vietnam had previously announced on its website that after three years in Vietnam, the company would start a pilot run in Danang starting from August 1. Passengers would be given free rides during the first week.
