Defence cooperation between Vietnam and Japan has deepened and become a key pillar in the bilateral relations, said Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich. 


Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich (R) and Honorary Chairman of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation Yohei Sasakawa

At a reception for visiting Honorary Chairman of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation Yohei Sasakawa on July 10, the minister said defence links between the two countries have been fostered through regular meetings of the two armies’ senior leaders. 

Exchange activities and experience sharing among naval, coast guard, and air forces of the two sides have been expanded, contributing to enhancing mutual understanding and trust between the two armies, Lich said. 

He thanked Yohei Sasakawa in particular, and the foundation for funding an exchange programme among Vietnamese and Japanese senior officers over the last three years and in the coming time.

According to the minister, the programme helps Japanese officers get insights into the Vietnamese army and the country’s people and culture, thus tightening friendship between the two armies and peoples, actively contributing to peace, stability in each nation and the region

For his part, Yohei Sasakawa affirmed he will continue making active contributions to cooperation between the two nations, especially in defence.