The Central Military Commission and Defence Ministry convened a conference in Hanoi on July 11 to review the implementation of defence and military tasks in the past six months and lay out orientations for the remaining months of this year.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc

Addressing the event, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said the national defence-security work has greatly contributed to political stability, social safety and order, socio-economic development, ensuring social welfare and the country’s external activities.

He also hailed the Vietnam People’s Army for its contributions to the success of the 12th National Party Congress and the election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and the People’s Councils for the 2016-2021 tenure.

Amid the complicated developments of the global economy, escalated tension, particularly uncertainties in the East Sea, the Vietnam People’s Army must strive to successfully fulfill assigned tasks, deserving the trust of the Party, State and people, he said.

Under the chair of Vice Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Defence Minister Ngo Xuan Lich, the conference reviewed and concluded that under the Party leadership and the government’s direction, the entire army has performed well in its role as a think-tank for the Party and State, and for Party units and local authorities; it has actively coordinated with public security forces to promptly deal with contingencies, becoming a core force in defending the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, border security, airspace, seas and islands.

The leadership of Party units and the quality of officers and Party members have been increasingly strengthened.

The Vietnam People’s Army has played a crucial role in disaster and post-war recovery, search and rescue, and bomb and mine clearance, while the Defence Ministry has performed well in external defence work, both bilaterally and multilaterally.

In the second half of this year, the Central Military Commission and Defence Ministry agreed to build on these achievements and build all-people defence and security in each area.

Units are to fight crimes at sea and at borders, prepare forces and equipment for disaster control, search and rescue and forest fire prevention.

Judicial work in first half reviewed

A video conference was held on July 11 to review judiciary work in the first half of this year and discuss tasks for the remaining months under the chair of Justice Minister Le Thanh Long.

Implementation of the Law on promulgation of legal documents 2015 and relevant legal documents is considered one of the key tasks of the Ministry of Justice in the second half this year.

Based on reviews from ministries and sectors, the Ministry will complete a report on reviews and propose amendments, supplements, replacement, dismissals or promulgations of new legal documents to submit for the Government’s approval.

The Ministry will also issue legal documents within the authority of the Justice Minister for organising the enforcement of law.

Additionally, training sessions will be organised to build the capacity and skills of staff involved in developing and issuing legal documents at all levels.

The Ministry will continue the implementation of the Law on Civil Status by expanding pilot birth registration and personal identification issuance in a bid to establish a national data on population.

Other tasks include developing an electronic national data on civil status at piloted localities and settling the civil status and nationality of children of parents involving a foreign element.

The Ministry will complete and submit to the National Assembly a report on reviewing and giving proposals to improve the legal system in line with Vietnam’s commitments in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement.

It will implement measures to prevent and address disputes between foreign investors and State and Government’s bodies.

Over the past six months, seven draft laws have been developed to submit to the National Assembly for approval or comments.

The justice sector appraised over 4,800 draft legal documents, including those relating to business climate and administrative reform.