Defence Minister Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich hosted a reception in Hanoi on May 31 for Senator John McCain from the US Senate Committee on Armed Services, saying that his understanding on Vietnam and its people had made important contributions to the normalisation of bilateral ties. 


Lich said Vietnam and the US have seen fruitful defence cooperation, including in the exchange of delegations at all levels, personnel training, dialogue consultation, maritime security guarantee, search and rescue, bomb and mine clearance, Agent Orange/dioxin detoxification. 

Recently, the US shared experience with Vietnam in joining the United Nations peacekeeping mission. 

McCain, for his part, pledged to propose the US Congress and government continue assisting Vietnam in dealing with AO/dioxin-contaminated environment, overcoming war consequences, ensuring maritime security and safety, search and rescue, and other fields of shared concern. 

He is due to visit USS John S.McCain cruiser which is undergoing maintenance at Cam Ranh international port.