National Assembly deputies looked into draft working reports of the 13th legislature and its organisations from 2011-2016 during a plenary session live broadcast nationwide on March 28.


Deputy Chu Son Ha

Under the chair of NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu, lawmakers discussed their achievements and shortcomings, the outcomes of the NA’s supreme supervision via question-and-answer sessions and confidence vote casting, external relations, renewal of the NA’s operations, recommended orientations and tasks for the next tenure, among others.

About a draft working report delivered by the State Auditor General, discussions focused on the use of the auditing outcomes, State Audit Office’s activities and addition of sanctions against units which fail to comply with the office’s requests following audit process.

As scheduled on March 29, the NA will scrutinise working reports of the President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and Prosecutor General of the Vietnam Supreme People’s Procuracy.

The meeting will also be broadcast live nationwide.