President Tran Dai Quang on June 8 handed over an appointment decision to new deputy chief judge of the Supreme People’s Court.


President Tran Dai Quang (R) hands over the appointment decision to new deputy chief judge of the Supreme People’s Court.

Nguyen Van Du, a judge of the Supreme People’s Court, is promoted to the deputy chief judge of the court.

Speaking at the event, President Quang, who is also head of the Central Committee for Judicial Reform, urged Du to restlessly improve his political and professional ethics and skills, keep immune in all circumstances, and abide by the Party’s policies and the State’s regulations.

As court plays a central role in the system of judicial agencies, the State leader asked the Supreme People’s Court to continue paying special attention to building the Party and strong, pure people’s courts at all levels, and preventing the degradation in political thought, morals and lifestyle, as well as manifestation of self-evolution and self-transformation.

Du, for his part, affirmed to do his utmost to fight against corruption and waste while making contributions to the strong, transparent and democratic judicial system, serving the people and the nation.-VNA