VietNamNet Bridge - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Tran Anh Tuan last week talked about the election of officials of under 40 years old to the key positions at the Party Congress of Da Nang and Kien Giang.


Deputy Minister Tran Anh Tuan. Photo: Pham Hai

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Home Affairs this morning, Deputy Minister Tran Anh Tuan said that the recent appointment of young officials in Vietnam was a good sign.

That is the correct policy on personnel of the Party and State in the selection of talents who are well trained and capable of participating in the state and government apparatus.

At the recent provincial Party Congresses, many young people were elected to the executive committee. Da Nang and Kien Giang even elected a Party Secretary under 40 years old. Could you say something about this?

We should see the appointment of young people in leadership positions in an objective way, not with doubting eyes. In these cases, the young officials were appointed not because they are young. The appointment must be based on the provisions of law, to choose capable, qualified people; and it is better if they are young.

The power of youth of leaders also implies thinking, behavior, working methods and working style because some people are young in age but their thinking is old. On the contrary, many middle-aged people still have innovative thinking, appropriate with the development trend of the times. I think appointment of young officials should be viewed in that angle, not merely the rejuvenation of age.

The implementation of the policy to rejuvenate the contingent of management leaders is an encouraging sign. This shows that the Party and State have the right policies to attract talented and moral people to participate in the apparatus of the Party and State.

But for the young people who are promoted very quickly, the public has raised questions about their capacity, their management and leadership level, their dedication to the country or the questions about the appointment process. Does the Ministry of Home Affairs inspect such cases?

The inspection and examination is part of the state administration. The Ministry of Home Affairs has regularly organized inspections under the annual plan. Besides, the Ministry also holds unscheduled inspections based on the opinion of the public and the media.

For the subjects of inspection, the Ministry is not concerned who their relatives and their relations are. We are only interested in whether the selection and appointment of officials is under the regulations of the Party and State, and whether the appointed officials are qualified and capable to shoulder the assigned responsibilities and missions.

Some provinces have recently appointed very young officials, who are about 30 years old. Notably, these officials are the children of high-ranking officials. Do they receive any favors thanks to these relations?

If the appointment is in compliance with the provisions of the law and in the form of ballot, favor should not be taken into account.

Thu Hang