The Asia-Pacific, and in particular the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), has remained a focus of Vietnam’s foreign policy, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh said at the 30th Ministerial Meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on November 15.  


Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (last row, third, right) and other delegates at the 30th APEC Ministerial Meeting. 

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Vietnam’s APEC membership. Therefore, the country will continue to work together with other members to build an Asia-Pacific community of peace, stability, dynamism, inclusion, connectivity, and prosperity, he said. 

Over the past nearly three decades, APEC has proven its strong vitality, especially during difficult periods, he said, adding that in 2017, APEC affirmed its core values in free and open trade and investment, as well as its strong commitments to multilateral trade. 

It has made marked progress in economic linkage, regional connectivity, quality and inclusive growth, and human resources development, the official noted.  

Given the increased connectivity of the digital era, he underlined the need for APEC to carry forward its locomotive role in spurring sustainable, innovative and inclusive growth, as well as economic connectivity in the region. 

Minh also highlighted APEC’s role in trade and investment connectivity and liberalisation and the settlement of global challenges. 

APEC should take the lead in coordinating regional multi-layered economic connectivity mechanisms towards the formation of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) and promoting an open and transparent multilateral trading system based on the law, balance, and inclusion – with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) playing the central role, the official said. 

He urged APEC to continue performing its role as a pioneer in structural reform, setting up central networks and innovative incubators, and promoting the business and startup spirit in order to turn the Asia-Pacific into the world’s leading centre of technology and education. 

APEC also needs to take decisive steps towards implementing the action plan on inclusive growth and enhance the capacity for its members to access digital technology, adapt to and cope with changes and risks, and harness cooperation and connectivity. 

Deputy PM and FM Minh called for joint efforts within APEC to build a strategic and ambitious Post-2020 Vision which aims to serve the benefits of people and businesses. 

In his opening remarks, Papua New Guinea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Rimbing Pato said that with the theme “Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future”, the 30th APEC Ministerial Meeting is of great significance as it will review the APEC’s realisation of commitments over the past years and set forth measures to bolster regional economic connectivity and growth, and maintain the Asia-Pacific’s role as momentum of global growth and economic connectivity. 

The participating ministers agreed on the need for APEC to maintain its economic cooperation and pace of connectivity, as well as deploy open and free trade and investment, complete Bogor goals in 2020 and gearing towards the formation of the FTAAP. 

They committed to realising the APEC Connectivity Blueprint, focusing on infrastructure and supply chain connectivity, institutions, and people, among others. 

The ministers consented to accelerate the implementation of the Cross-Border E-commerce Facilitation Framework and the Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap adopted in 2017, while handling non-tariff barriers and helping micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises improve their competitiveness and access the digital economy. 

They concurred to continue their support for the law-based open and transparent trading system, and improve the function and operational efficiency of the WTO. 

The ministers also highly valued the role and contributions of APEC to the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

They welcomed the establishment of the APEC Vision Group in 2018 and reiterated their commitments to building a strategic, long-term, and ambitious APEC Post-2020 Vision for the benefits of people and businesses.

Deputy PM Pham Binh Minh busy at APEC meeting

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh met with many foreign officials from members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum at the 30th Ministerial Meeting in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on November 15.

Meeting New Zealand Minister for Trade and Export Growth David Parker, Minh handed Vietnam’s document ratifying the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to him, affirming that it reflects Vietnam’s determination to continue with comprehensive reform and widespread global integration, as well as active efforts to shape regional economic connectivity frameworks. 

The Deputy PM asked both sides to work closely together to fully and effectively tap interests brought about by the CPTPP, thus deepening the Vietnam-New Zealand comprehensive partnership. 

Speaking highly of Vietnam’s role in and active contributions to the formation of the CPTPP, Parker said believes the deal will make it easier for both sides to lift two-way trade. 

He affirmed that New Zealand is ready to share its experience and assist Vietnam in improving its capacity of law enforcement to effectively tap into opportunities created by the pact.  

In a dialogue with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, Minh asked Japan to make it easier for Vietnamese farm produce to enter the country and receive more Vietnamese trainees for work. 

Kono expressed his wish to step up practical and effective ties with Vietnam in diverse areas, adding that the Japanese Government is considering a new law on labour and expects to welcome more young foreign workers, including those from Vietnam. 

He asked for joint efforts to prevent the legal violations of Vietnamese people in Japan. 

Deputy PM Minh and Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne expressed their delight at the strong development of bilateral ties over the past years, especially since the upgrade of ties to the strategic partnership level in March 2018. 

They were satisfied with the outcomes of the strategic dialogue between Vietnamese and Australian foreign and defence ministers held in Hanoi on October 10, as well as the first ministerial defence dialogue held in Sydney on November 6-9. 

Sharing views on challenges facing the region, both sides highlighted the need to strive further to help maintain peace, stability and prosperity in the region. 

Hailing mutual support between the two governments in regional forums, especially in mechanisms in which ASEAN plays a central role, Minh asked both sides to realise the outcomes reached during APEC Year 2017, especially initiatives on inclusive economic, financial, and social development as well as the APEC Vision beyond 2020. 

Payne, for her part, wished that the two sides would foster bilateral ties in an effective, practical and comprehensive way, with priority given to building an action plan to realise the bilateral strategic partnership in the near future, considering ties with Vietnam a model of Australia’s external relations.