As part of his official visit to the US, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh held separate meetings on April 21 with US Acting Trade Representative Stephen Vaughn and a group of assistants to senators of the Democratic and Republican Parties.


Deputy PM Minh also meet with leaders of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Heritage Foundation, the Trade Council and US businesses which are operating in Vietnam.

At these meetings, Deputy PM Minh affirmed that the Government of Vietnam is ready to cooperate with the US’s new administration to maintain the momentum of development in bilateral relations, particularly in economy and trade, and continue improving the business-investment climate and creating more favourable conditions for US investors.

The Deputy PM lauded US enterprises’ commitment to support Vietnam in successfully hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Week later this year.

The assistants to senators underlined the two parties’ support for the Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership and pledged to continue assisting Vietnam in dealing with the war aftermaths, especially in detoxifying Agent Orange/Dioxin and mine clearance.

They also shared the US Congress’s concerns over the East Sea issue, including the maintenance of maritime security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation and the peaceful settlement of disputes on the basis of respecting international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea  (UNCLOS).

Meanwhile, representatives of the US businesses pledged to enhance Vietnam-US relations and spoke highly of policies adopted by the Government of Vietnam to create a fair and healthy playground for foreign investors, including those from the US.