Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh had separate meetings with leaders of El Salvador, Haiti and Burundi, on the sidelines of the 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Margarita, Venezuela on September 18 (​Hanoi time).

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh speaks at the Summit 

Meeting with President of El Salvador Sanchez Ceren, the Deputy PM assured Vietnam’s policy to develop multi-faceted relations with El Salvador, saying that this is a good chance for the two sides to discuss ways for enhancing bilateral ties.

Sanchez Ceren said his country will set up a diplomatic agency in Vietnam, towards promoting economic and trade links between the two countries.

The leaders agreed on the need to accelerate negotiations and signing of cooperation agreements to create a legal foundation for long-term and stable cooperation in economy, trade and investment between Vietnam and El Salvador, thus facilitating their businesses’ projects in both nations, especially in agriculture, farm and aquatic product processing, and telecommunications.

Deputy PM Minh took the occasion to ask El Salvador to soon recognise Vietnam’s market economy mechanism.

At the meeting with Haitian Prime Minister Enex Jean Charles, the two sides expressed their joy at positive development of the bilateral ties, reflected through high-level visits and the effectively operating telecom project.

The Haitian leader agreed with Vietnam’s proposal to fostering negotiations and signing agreements on investment protection and double taxation avoidance.

The Haitian side also hoped Vietnam to send experts to Haiti to share experience and technique in rice cultivation.

Deputy PM Minh and Burundi’s Foreign Minister Alain Aime Nyamitwe at their meeting stressed the necessity to enhance exchanges of all-level visits between the two nations, and soon sign economic cooperation agreements.

The Vietnamese leader called on Burundi to facilitate Viettel Group’s Lumitel telecom project, thus expanding connection between the countries in other fields in the future.

During the meetings, the countries’ leaders agreed to coordinate and mutually support at international and regional forums.