Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung appreciated the active and effective support the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has given to Vietnam while receiving President of the ICAO Council Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu in Hanoi on July 6.


Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung (R) meets with President of the ICAO Council Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu on July 6

The Deputy PM said the fast-growing civil aviation has been contributing to Vietnam’s economic growth and integration into the world, pointing out certain challenges that need to be addressed soon, including overload at key airports, modest services quality, and ineffective flight management.

ICAO’s cooperation programmes and technical assistance to improve the flight management and operation capacity of Vietnam’s aviation personnel are very important, he added.

Dung asked ICAO to continue providing technical aid and information so that the country can manage flight information regions under its management efficiently. 

The organisation was also called to support Vietnam to send a permanent representative to ICAO and run for a position in Part III (states ensuring geographic representation) in the 2022-2025 tenure, thus raising the country’s stature in the global civil aviation.

[Vietnam's aviation market attracts private firms]

The official noted that Vietnam supports ICAO’s viewpoint on the implementation of a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation industry. He asked ICAO to consider helping Vietnam build a system for monitoring aviation fuel consumption.

For his part, the ICAO Council President said he is impressed with the rapid development of Vietnam’s civil aviation. He recognised the sector’s efforts to seriously and effectively implement flight safety and operation regulations and standards.

There are hundreds of thousands of flights in the world each day, and the figure will double in the next 15 years, he noted, adding that most of this growth will occur in Asia-Pacific, where Vietnam is a very potential market.

As the country’s air transport market will continue to grow more strongly, it is necessary to invest more in infrastructure, including airports, and manpower training, he said.

Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu suggested the Vietnamese Government and the civil aviation sector focus on improving manpower quality and the administration and management capacity of the civil aviation authority.

He pledged to assist the country more strongly and effectively in developing its civil aviation.

ICAO president hails Vietjet’s operation activities

ICAO president Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu (L) and ICAO APAC Deputy Regional Director Manjit Singh Seva Singh at a working session with Vietjet's management board members on July 5 

ICAO president Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu highly appreciated low cost airline Vietjet’s efforts and achievements in its operations, services and management activities during a working visit to Vietjet office in Ho Chi Minh City on July 5. 

The ICAO president and ICAO APAC Deputy Regional Director Manjit Singh Seva Singh visited the Vietjet office on the occasion of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) delegation’s trip to Vietnam from July 5-10. 

Speaking at the meeting with Vietjet’s management board members, Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu also stressed on the airline’s comprehensive investment in building up human resources and training highly skilled experts in order to meet the internationally standardised safety requirements for operation and management, which greatly contributed to not only the airline’s success but also the growth of the aviation industry in Vietnam and the region.

Vietjet Managing Director Luu Duc Khanh said safety is the airline’s top priority not only in operations but also in all its activities, noting that safety requirements conformity has been the guideline for Vietjet in all operations and policy decision it has made. 

“We are happy that our technical reliability rate stood at 99.59 percent in the first quarter of the year and flight operation, ground operation and engineering safety indicators were also listed in the group of highest quality airlines in the Asia Pacific region,” Khanh said.

Under their working agenda in Vietnam, the ICAO delegation is scheduled to meet with high-ranking government officials, the Ministry of Transport, and Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) followed by their granting of Council President Certificate to the representatives of CAAV in Hanoi. The certificate recognizes Vietnam’s significant progress in resolving safety oversight deficiencies and improving the effective implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.

Vietjet is the first airline in Vietnam to operate as a new-age airline with low-cost and diversified services to meet customers’ demands. Vietjet is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) with the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certificate. The airline was named as one of the Top 500 Brands in Asia 2016 by global marketing research company Nielsen and “Best Asian Low Cost Carrier” at the TTG Travel Awards 2015, which compiles votes from travelers, travel agencies and tour operators in throughout Asia. The airline was also rated as one of the top three fastest growing airline brands on Facebook in the world by Socialbakers.

Currently, the airline boasts a fleet of 45 aircraft, including A320s and A321s, and operates 350 flights each day. It has already opened 63 routes in Vietnam and across the region to international destinations such as Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, Myanmar and Cambodia. It has carried nearly 40 million passengers to date.

Looking ahead, the airline plans to expand its network across the Asia Pacific region. To prepare for this plan, Vietjet has signed agreements with the world’s leading aircraft manufacturers to purchase more brand-new and modern aircraft.