VietNamNet Bridge – In the context of national and global socio-economic difficulties, the diplomatic work of Viet Nam in 2012 continued to flourish, proving the country’s increasingly raised role and status in the region and the world.

Deeper relations with priority and important partners

In 2012, Viet Nam has exchanged many visits at all levels with neighbor countries, important partners, traditional friends and potential partners. It is noticeable that the number of high-ranking delegations to Viet Nam sharply increased, 4-5 times higher than 2011. Moreover, many countries have expressed their desire to upgrade bilateral relationship with Viet Nam, for example, Thailand, Singapore and Italy wanted to convert their relations with Viet Nam into strategic partnerships.

On November 7, 2012 in Ha Noi, PM Nguyen Tan Dung and Russian PM Medvedev witness the signing of a bilateral agreement on energy and trade cooperation.

Viet Nam have closely worked with neighbor countries in boosting and improving current cooperation mechanisms, promoting the border demarcation with Laos; strengthening cooperation with Cambodia at ministerial and local levels to celebrate the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties establishment between the two countries (1967-2012); and further deepening its trade, investment and tourism cooperation with China.

The relations between Viet Nam and its key strategic partners continued to be consolidated and deepened. In his official visit to the Russian Federation in July 2012, State President Truong Tan Sang and Russian leaders agreed to upgrade the Viet Nam-Russia relationship to a “comprehensive strategic partnership.” Right after taking the office, President Putin signed a decree on measures to implement the diplomatic policy, which identifies Viet Nam as one of Russia’s three top strategic partners in Asia-Pacific region. Russia pledged to continue its oil and gas cooperation activities in Viet Nam’s continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, enhancing bilateral cooperation in terms of nuclear electric power, mining, timber processing, garment, aquaculture, education and citizen protection.

Viet Nam and Japan have exchanged many delegations at all echelons, focusing on preparations for the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations establishment and the Viet Nam-Japan Friendship Year scheduled in 2013.

Economic, trade and investment cooperation continued to be major fields of bilateral relations. Viet Nam’s export turnover to Japan increased 29.2% in first nine months of 2012. Japan remains as the biggest ODA donor for Viet Nam and is one of developed economies recognizing Viet Nam’s market economic status. The two countries are discussing possibilities to found joint-stock companies and finalizing the feasibility report on exploiting rare earth, negotiating credits for nuclear power projects.

The Viet Nam-EU relations have been furthered. The two sides signed the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and officially kickstarted negotiations for the Free Trade Agreement in June 2012. The multifaceted cooperation between Viet Nam and top EU partners like the UK, France, Germany and Italy has been accelerated.

Italy officially recognized Viet Nam’s market economic status, showed its desire to establish a strategic partnership with Viet Nam, and invited the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Viet Nam to pay a visit Italy in the first quarter of 2013 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties establishment between the two countries.

Viet Nam has also promoted its relations with traditional friends in Asia, East Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America through exchanging high-ranking delegations and initiating many practical cooperation projects. Viet Nam hosted the Viet Nam-Latin America Forum on trade and investment in July, creating a driving force for the bilateral cooperation.

Showing an active and responsible role in ASEAN

In 2012, Viet Nam has pushed up its multilateral diplomacy, especially within ASEAN.

At ASEAN ministerial meetings and summits, Viet Nam has actively contributed to highlighting the role of ASEAN and promoting the bloc’s ties with partners.

In 2012, Viet Nam makes significant contributions to ASEAN. In this photo, Vietnamese PM Nguyen Tan Dung (5th from left) and ASEAN leaders attend the 21st ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, November 18, 2012.

Viet Nam has fulfilled its role as the coordinator for dialogue relations between ASEAN and China in the term of 2009-2012, significantly contributing to the ASEAN-China strategic partnership. Before handing over the role to Thailand, Viet Nam actively worked with other members to complete the documents on ASEAN’s views relating to factors of the Code of Conducts of Parties in the East Sea (COC), agreeing that the documents would be the foundation for ASEAN’s dialogues with China about the COC.

In 2012-2015, Viet Nam will be the coordinator of ASEAN-EU relations. Recently, the EU has suggested Viet Nam to support the Union to establish a strategic partnership with ASEAN.

For the first time in its ASEAN membership, Viet Nam’s candidate will become the bloc’s Secretary General. At the 21st ASEAN Summit, ASEAN leaders officially appointed Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Le Luong Minh to the post for the term of 2013-2017.

Viet Nam has closely cooperated with ASEAN members to draft and compile many documents to protect the bloc’s interests and its national ones as well. Some of these documents are the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), the Action Plan to realize the Bali Declaration on ASEAM Community in a Global Community of Nations, the declaration to kick off negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Conduct (DOC) of Parties in the East Sea.

Effective protection of sovereignty

Border and territorial work has been always settled timely in 2012. Viet Nam has taken diplomatic measures against China’s violations of Viet Nam’s sovereignty, sovereignty rights and justice in the East Sea.

The Vietnamese National Assembly approved the Law on Sea in June 2012, laying an important legal foundation for the protection of national sovereignty over seas, islands and strategic interests in the East Sea. Besides, Viet Nam has placed importance on seeking for peaceful solutions for sea-related disputes with China.

Viet Nam has also joined with Malaysia in pushing up a joint report on identifying the borders of their continental shelf, closely cooperated with the Philippines in dealing with East Sea-related issues, requested Southeast Asian representative of Google, based in Singapore, to correct Viet Nam’s sovereignty over the East Sea on Google Maps.

In 2012, cultural diplomacy has been also promoted through various activities to celebrate the Friendship Year with such partners and friends like Laos, Cambodia, India and the Republic of Korea.

Many heritages of Viet Nam were recognized by UNESCO in 2012, including the Ho Citadel, the wood-blocks for printing Buddhist sutras restored at Vinh Nghiem Pagoda, and the Hung Kings worshipping.

Source: VGP