Discussions have continued on the feasibility of direct flights between the US and Vietnam.


Direct flights linking Vietnam and the US expected to be launched by late 2019

A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) delegation recently came to Vietnam to survey the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam’s safety aviation. This was the third technical assessment by the FAA.   

Earlier, deputy minister of transport Le Dinh Tho met Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, to discuss air transport.

Some 260,000 Vietnamese people annually travel to Los Angeles. For this reason, the city might be the best choice for opening direct flights between Vietnam and the United States, the mayor added. In addition, Garcetti asserted that the city would create favourable conditions to execute the plan and help promote other fields involving local transport.

According to Vietnam Airlines General Director Duong Tri Thanh, the carrier could only open direct flights to the US by late 2019 at the earliest. He added that the firm would need 5-10 years to come to recover the investment.

In the first five years, Vietnam Airlines would face annual losses of USD30 million.

In 2004, the US’ United Airlines opened an air route linking Francisco and HCM City with a transit in Hong Kong. However, the route was halted since 2016.

Flights to the US need to meet International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and FAA standards.

Tien Phong/Dtinews