Doctors at the HCM City Tumor Hospital yesterday completely removed a 35kg tumor from a woman’s ovary.

A 35kg ovarian tumor is successfully removed from a 53-year-old woman in HCM City. 

The tumor was removed from the body of a 53-year-old woman in District No 3 of the city.
The patient, who weighed 78kg, had been hospitalised after she faced difficulty breathing because the tumor was blocking her lung, doctors said.

Doctor Nguyen Van Tien said the large tumor was estimated to contain 29 litres of fluid.

“The patient with ovarian cancer should have surgery immediately,” according to Tien. 

After undergoing several consultations, the doctors decided to thrust at the tumor and took out more than 10 litres of fluid.

The surgery was conducted successfully and the patient was recovering,  Tien said.

Nguyen Thi Thuy Lieu, the patient, was able to breathe more easily after the tumor was removed.

Subsequently, the doctors decided to remove the patient’s ovary and uterus at the same time.

Lieu said the tumor was detected several years ago but she continued to treat it with medicine only and did not go to the hospital for surgery because of financial issues.

She decided to go to the hospital for surgery after her health deteriorated and her abdominal cavity became larger, she said.