Doctors of a hospital in the central province of Vietnam saved a baby with intestines outside of the body, through a hole beside the belly button.


The baby after the surgery 

Deputy Head of the General Hospital in the central province of Quang Tri Dr. Truong Xuan Nhuan yesterday said that surgeons have provided intensive treatment to a premature baby girl with organs outside of her abdomen. 

The baby was born at 35th week of the pregnancy weighing 1.38 kg in February.

Soon after the baby was taken to the hospital, surgeons performed to place the abdominal organs inside the baby's body and repair the abdominal wall because the baby’s temperature reduced threatening her life, said Dr. Truong Vinh Quy, deputy head of the Surgery Ward. 

During the 45 minute operation, doctors removed two third of the gangrene intestine to repair the abdominal wall yet they had to carry out the second operation because her intestine is too short so she has problems with feeding, digestion of food, and absorption of nutrients. 

At present, the baby weighes 1.58 kg and her health is normal.

The baby family is very poor as her mother is a worker and her father is a docker.