From 2012 to 2016, there have been 127,258 domestic violence nationwide which many of cases lead to divorce. Worse, 83.69 percent of domestic violence cases were committed by males.


Families should be cradles for love to fight against violence 

According to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, domestic violence is key factor to degrade family values.

Children who grow up in these families will be impacted. Their learning will be effected and they tend to commit violence in solving conflicts with people around, with friends. 

Statistic of police showed that domestic violence also increased criminals, caused losses in term of economy, health, labor capacity and medical expense. 

With expectation to reduce and deter people from committing violence in families, the national action month  against family violence will be organized nationwide from June 1 to 30 with the theme “ Family – resource and responsibility to fight against violence”.

In the action month, the Ministry will increase information of “ Bua com gia dinh am ap yeu thuong” (The loving and warm meal in family); launch the photo competition “Yeu thuong va chia se” (Loving and sharing). 

A family festival will be held also. The Ministry in coordination with the Central Women Union will organize a competition to reinforce the relation in a happy family.