The Ministry of Education and Training has proposed draft regulations on foreign-language and information and technology training centres which require foreign teachers to have university degrees.


The draft stipulates that centre directors must have a bachelor's degree in foreign languages or technology, or have any bachelor's degree with a certificate of foreign language or information and technology training. They must have three years of experience working in the education sector.

Vietnamese teachers must graduate from a community pedagogical college for foreign languages or information and technology, and have a certificate of information and technology or a certificate of level-4 foreign language ability, based on Vietnam's 6-level foreign-language ability framework. If they do not take any pedagogical training in higher education, they must have both level-4 foreign language ability and pedagogical certificates.

Foreign teachers must have a bachelor's degree and a certificate in a foreign language or information and technology training.

The regulations issued in 2011 stated that the maximum number of students per teacher per class is 25. It has been scrapped in the new draft which only states that each class must have one teacher and one class president.

The centres must use curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education and Training. They can also use curriculum that local and foreign universities create based on Vietnam's 6-level foreign-language ability framework and the basic skills for using IT. The centres must report to the local Department of Education and Training if they want to use self-compiled or translated documents.

The ministry will gather opinions for the draft regulations until June 27.

Lao Dong/Dtinews