Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Cong Son, deputy head of the General Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security, has highlighted the complexity of tackling drug crimes in the southern region in recent times. 


Many drug rings have been formed to transport drugs from abroad to Vietnam, Son said at a meeting in Ho Chi Minh City on June 1. 

Some of the criminals even used or threatened to use weapons against law enforcement officials, he said. 

The meeting was held to honour achievements in combating drug crime recorded by the General Police Department in conjunction with the Drug and Crime Prevention Department of the Border Guard High Command.

The forces have reportedly seized more than 50 bricks of heroin (a brick is equivalent to 350 grams), 13.4 kg of crystal meth and thousands of synthetic pills since the beginning of this year.

Speaking at the function, Son urged agencies to tighten their coordination in fighting crimes, thus ensuring public security.